(Vol. XIII No. 2/Vol. XIV No. 1): Fall 2005/Spring 2006
From The Editors: Scholars of the Middle East continue to grapple with producing critical, theoretical work while reckoning with a dearth of introductory texts. This predicament is heightened by the realization that Orientalism and, as one reviewer in this issue puts it, its "more vulgar spawn," modernization theory, have both witnessed a discursive rebirth. These old tropes prominently reappear in the latest inundation of spurious expertise on the Middle East. Scholars must respond to these new streams of knowledge production as we make new knowledge and question knowledge making . . . [read more] |
Table of Contents
9. Writings on Disability in Islam: The 16th-Century Polemic on Ibn Fahd's al-Nukat al-Ziraf
by Mohammad M. I. Ghaly
39. Suburbia and Modernization: Community Building and America's Post-World War II Encounter with the Arab Middle East
by Nathan Citino
65. Strategies of Power Consolidation in Syria Under Bashar al-Asad: Modernizing Control Over Resources
by Carmen Becker
92. Muslim Politics Under Occupation: The Association of Muslim Scholars and the Politics of Resistance in Iraq
by Roel Meijer
Book Reviews
117. Birds of Amber
by Ibrahim Abdel Meduid
reviewed by Hanaa Arafat
121. A Time Between Ashes and Roses
by Adonis
reviewed by Robin Creswell
125. Nationalist Voices in Jordan: The Street and the State
by Betty S. Anderson
reviewed by Corbett Elena
129. Granada: A Novel
by Radwa 'Ashour
reviewed by Maria Constanza Guzman
133. Opening the Gates: An Anthology of Arab American Feminist Writing (second edition)
Edited by Morgot Badran
reviewed by Elizabeth Holt
137. Al-Hajiz: Shazaya Riwaya. Al-Kitab al-Awwal: Wajd fo Bilad al- Hawajiz
by Azmi Bishara
reviewed by Nader K. Uthman
141. The Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics in Most of the World
by Partha Chatterjee
reviewed by Munir Fakher
145. Occupied By Memory: The Intifada Generation and the Palestinian State of Emergency
by John Collins
reviewed by Noah Haiduc-Dale
148. Transcending Borders: Arabs, Politics, Trade, and Islam in Southeast Asia
Edited by Huub de
reviewed by Nurfadzilah Yahaya
152. Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History
by Norman G. Finkelstein
reviewed by Amahl Bishara
157. Minorities in the Ottoman Empire
Edited by Molly Greene
reviewed by Isa Blumi
160. The Colonial Present
by Derek Gregory
reviewed by Anjali Kamat
164. In Praise of Books: A Cultural History of Cairo's Middle Class, Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century
by Nelly Hanna
reviewed by James E. Baldwin
168. Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire
by Michael Hardt
reviewed by Ayca Cubukcu
174. Jews and Muslims in Lower Yemen: A Study in Protection and Restraint, 1918-1949
by Isaac Hollinder
reviewed by Ari Ariel
178. Contending Visions of the Middle East: The History and Politics of Orientalism
by Zachary Lockman
reviewed by Bruce Robbins
182. Between Warrior Brother and Veiled Sister: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Politics of Patriarchy in Iran
by Minoo Moallem
reviewed by Mitra Rastegar
186. Nurturing the Nation: The Family Politics of Modernizing, Colonizing, and Liberating Egypt
by Lisa Pollard
reviewed by Wilson Chacko Jacob
190. Marriage, Money, and Divorce in Medieval Islamic Society
by Yossef Rapoport
reviewed by Irfana Hashmi
194. My Life Is A Weapon: A Modern History of Suicide Bombing
by Christoph Reuter
reviewed by Joseph Shahadi
198. Ibn Sa'oud of Saudi Arabia
by Amin Rihani
reviewed by Peter C. Velenti
203. The Performance of Human Rights in Morocco
by Susan Slymovics
reviewed by Mikaela Rogozen-Soltar
207. The Elite Nation?
by Jennifer Derr
213. Truth and Lies at Guantanamo Bay
by Lisa Lynch
219. Imperialist Debts: Iraq and the Nation-Building Debate
by Jennifer R. Ridha
227. Understanding the Durability of Authoritarianism in the Middle East
by Sean L. Yonn
234. The Politics of Presentation
reviewed by Nada Shabout
241. Uncovering the Arab World: Photography and Self-Representation
reviewed by Murtaza Vali
247. Blow Up
reviewed by Anthony Alessandrini
9. Writings on Disability in Islam: The 16th-Century Polemic on Ibn Fahd's al-Nukat al-Ziraf
by Mohammad M. I. Ghaly
39. Suburbia and Modernization: Community Building and America's Post-World War II Encounter with the Arab Middle East
by Nathan Citino
65. Strategies of Power Consolidation in Syria Under Bashar al-Asad: Modernizing Control Over Resources
by Carmen Becker
92. Muslim Politics Under Occupation: The Association of Muslim Scholars and the Politics of Resistance in Iraq
by Roel Meijer
Book Reviews
117. Birds of Amber
by Ibrahim Abdel Meduid
reviewed by Hanaa Arafat
121. A Time Between Ashes and Roses
by Adonis
reviewed by Robin Creswell
125. Nationalist Voices in Jordan: The Street and the State
by Betty S. Anderson
reviewed by Corbett Elena
129. Granada: A Novel
by Radwa 'Ashour
reviewed by Maria Constanza Guzman
133. Opening the Gates: An Anthology of Arab American Feminist Writing (second edition)
Edited by Morgot Badran
reviewed by Elizabeth Holt
137. Al-Hajiz: Shazaya Riwaya. Al-Kitab al-Awwal: Wajd fo Bilad al- Hawajiz
by Azmi Bishara
reviewed by Nader K. Uthman
141. The Politics of the Governed: Reflections on Popular Politics in Most of the World
by Partha Chatterjee
reviewed by Munir Fakher
145. Occupied By Memory: The Intifada Generation and the Palestinian State of Emergency
by John Collins
reviewed by Noah Haiduc-Dale
148. Transcending Borders: Arabs, Politics, Trade, and Islam in Southeast Asia
Edited by Huub de
reviewed by Nurfadzilah Yahaya
152. Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History
by Norman G. Finkelstein
reviewed by Amahl Bishara
157. Minorities in the Ottoman Empire
Edited by Molly Greene
reviewed by Isa Blumi
160. The Colonial Present
by Derek Gregory
reviewed by Anjali Kamat
164. In Praise of Books: A Cultural History of Cairo's Middle Class, Sixteenth to the Eighteenth Century
by Nelly Hanna
reviewed by James E. Baldwin
168. Multitude: War and Democracy in the Age of Empire
by Michael Hardt
reviewed by Ayca Cubukcu
174. Jews and Muslims in Lower Yemen: A Study in Protection and Restraint, 1918-1949
by Isaac Hollinder
reviewed by Ari Ariel
178. Contending Visions of the Middle East: The History and Politics of Orientalism
by Zachary Lockman
reviewed by Bruce Robbins
182. Between Warrior Brother and Veiled Sister: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Politics of Patriarchy in Iran
by Minoo Moallem
reviewed by Mitra Rastegar
186. Nurturing the Nation: The Family Politics of Modernizing, Colonizing, and Liberating Egypt
by Lisa Pollard
reviewed by Wilson Chacko Jacob
190. Marriage, Money, and Divorce in Medieval Islamic Society
by Yossef Rapoport
reviewed by Irfana Hashmi
194. My Life Is A Weapon: A Modern History of Suicide Bombing
by Christoph Reuter
reviewed by Joseph Shahadi
198. Ibn Sa'oud of Saudi Arabia
by Amin Rihani
reviewed by Peter C. Velenti
203. The Performance of Human Rights in Morocco
by Susan Slymovics
reviewed by Mikaela Rogozen-Soltar
207. The Elite Nation?
by Jennifer Derr
213. Truth and Lies at Guantanamo Bay
by Lisa Lynch
219. Imperialist Debts: Iraq and the Nation-Building Debate
by Jennifer R. Ridha
227. Understanding the Durability of Authoritarianism in the Middle East
by Sean L. Yonn
234. The Politics of Presentation
reviewed by Nada Shabout
241. Uncovering the Arab World: Photography and Self-Representation
reviewed by Murtaza Vali
247. Blow Up
reviewed by Anthony Alessandrini